Winter in the Lane
Winter in the Lane

In early 2022, I joined a volunteer group that does two mornings a week repairing, tidying and generally looking after our local park and woodland SSSI site. The volunteers and wardens have become good friends and as a thank you at the end of that year, I decided to give them all a hand-painted Christmas card. This painting is one of those cards. It also gave me the chance to learn how my soft pastels and pastel pencils would perform on a surface I’ve not used or even considered before, namely watercolour paper. I must confess I really don’t get on with watercolour, but at least using the paper to do these cards has opened up another option for future artwork.

Medium: Pastel
Size: 21 x 15 cm
Materials: Bockingford Rough Watercolour Cards. SAA soft pastels. Derwent Pastel Pencils

Date: 09/10/2022

Winter in the Lane

In early 2022, I joined a volunteer group that does two mornings a week repairing, tidying and generally looking after our local park and woodland SSSI site. The volunteers and wardens have become good friends and as a thank you at the end of that year, I decided to give them all a hand-painted Christmas card. This painting is one of those cards. It also gave me the chance to learn how my soft pastels and pastel pencils would perform on a surface I’ve not used or even considered before, namely watercolour paper. I must confess I really don’t get on with watercolour, but at least using the paper to do these cards has opened up another option for future artwork.

Medium: Pastel
Size: 21 x 15 cm
Materials: Bockingford Rough Watercolour Cards. SAA soft pastels. Derwent Pastel Pencils

Date: 09/10/2022