Highland Splendour

Pastel painting of a highland loch and mountains
Order Code: 230607
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I’d had the sketch for this painting drawn out since about 2017 but actually getting round to starting the painting seemed to keep getting delayed for one reason or another (including doing other paintings and drawings first) and it wasn’t until the spring of 2023 that I finally got around to putting pastel to paper. Happily, the delay was worth it and once I got started the whole thing just seemed to flow. It also gave me the chance to try out some new Caran D’Ache pastel pencils that I’d recently bought. They turned out to be a good choice, so I bought some more. The painting derives from a photograph I found in an old issue of BBC Countryfile magazine that highlighted this area of the Scottish Highlands as a great place to go walking. I can see why.
Medium: Pastel
Size: 48 x 38 cm
Materials: Clairefontaine Pastelmat paper. SAA soft pastels. Caran D'Ache pastel pencils
Mount Colour: Ivory
Medium: Pastel
Size: 48 x 38 cm
Materials: Clairefontaine Pastelmat paper. SAA soft pastels. Caran D'Ache pastel pencils
Mount Colour: Ivory