"In the Beginning..." (Print)

Pastel painting of the view of Earth from the Moon (Print)
Order Code: 150502P
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“In The Beginning...” is the opening phrase of the Bible quotation from Genesis that was read out by the crew of Apollo 8 as they flew around the Moon at Christmas time in 1968. This painting is based upon the famous photo 'Earth Rise' taken by astronaut Bill Anders on that mission. The image also served to bring home our understanding of the fragility of Planet Earth and boosted the conservation movement. It is still relevant today. On a personal note, the Apollo 8 mission was also the one that kick started my brother's career as a space flight historian, so this painting is “In The Beginning...” in another sense. This painting is now only available as a print.
Medium: Pastel
Size: 31 x 41 cm
Materials: Fabriano Ingres pastel paper. Faber Castell pastel pencils
Mountboard Colour: Black
Medium: Pastel
Size: 31 x 41 cm
Materials: Fabriano Ingres pastel paper. Faber Castell pastel pencils
Mountboard Colour: Black