

A Moment's Reflection

Pencil portrait of a man deep in thought
Order Code: 160123
I was drawn to the photograph on which this drawing is based by the expression in the eyes and the weather worn look of his face. I wanted to challenge myself in portraiture work and found that challenge with this drawing. This is someone who is absorbed in his thoughts and reflections, perhaps musing over things he has seen or remembers, or perhaps a memory that haunts him. I have some idea of that thought process as, for a variety of reasons it actually took me five years to finish this drawing. It was started in my art class back in 2011 but was never finished at the time. It was 2016 before I finally got round to completing it.

Medium: Graphite Pencil
Size: 28 x 36 cm
Materials: 135 gsm drawing paper. Faber Castell 9000 pencils
Mountboard Colour: Black