

Cabin Door

Small pencil drawing of a log cabin doorway
Order Code: 160102
This drawing of the doorway to a thatched cabin came about because I wanted to try a smaller, but detailed picture. The doorway is actually based on a screenshot I took while playing Bethesda’s Skyrim® computer game and proved a great opportunity to try some different textures in pencil. Naturally, it had to be signed by ‘carving my initials’ into the wooden support beam! This also gave me the opportunity to get back into pencil drawing again, so that I felt more confident about finishing the drawing called A Moment's Reflection. That one had been left half done for several years and I didn’t want to go back to it cold and risk ruining the work I’d already done. That drawing was completed later in the same month as this one.

Medium: Graphite Pencil
Size: 25 x 17 cm
Materials: 135 gsm drawing paper. Faber Castell 9000 pencils
Mountboard Colour: White