

Red Squirrel Reworked

Pastel painting of a red squirrel
Order Code: 170625
This pastel painting of a red squirrel shows one of my favourite animals, although I have still not come across one while out walking. I hope to put that right in due course as there's nothing better than seeing the real thing to inspire your artwork. This was one of the later development pieces I did from a more advanced Colin Bradley kit, which used 15 pastel pencils. It was also one I came back to several years later when I was trying to get back into doing art again after an enforced break due to work and other commitments. This is that later version.

Medium: Pastel
Size: 36 x 27 cm
Materials: Fabriano Ingres pastel paper. Faber Castell pastel pencils
Mountboard Colour: Ivory