

The Moonshae Isles

Pastel painting of a Forgotten Realms® fantasy scene
Order Code: 110420
I’ve always enjoyed ‘swords and sorcery’ style fantasy and while I was attending my art group between 2010 and 2012 I decided to do some paintings in the genre, using some old Dungeons and Dragons® artwork for inspiration. This is my version of the cover picture on the Moonshae Isles® supplement to the Forgotten Realms® campaign world, which I wanted to try because of the range of colours and the contrast between the sunlight and shaded areas. At the time, I was used to using the Fabriano Ingres paper and the Faber Castell pastel pencils, so they combined well in this painting. The original artwork is by Tim Hildebrant and the Moonshae Isles® supplement was issued in 1987.

Medium: Pastel pencil
Size: 28 x 36 cm
Materials: Fabriano Ingres pastel paper. Faber Castell pastel pencils.
Mountboard Colour: Green